maandag 15 november 2010

5 Keys to Improving Your Presentation Skills With Unconscious Communication

If you want to improve your presentation skills in any situation, you
need to discover the power of unconscious communication.

Most people fail to get their message across - whether it is
one-to-one or with an audience of thousands - because they focus on
the 'conscious' aspects of communication and pack in too much
information and detail.

The truth is almost all successful communication happens at an
unconscious level. This means people are forming opinions about what
you say without really knowing the reason why.

So if you know how to make your communication work unconsciously, you
have more chance of getting your message across effectively.

Here are five ways in which you can improve your communication by
influencing the unconscious mind.

Speed: People usually make up their minds about something
unconsciously within 2 - 6 seconds. The book Blink by Michael Gerber
covers this in great detail. So you only have a few brief moments in
which to make the right impression. With the right communication
skills, you can help them come to the right conclusion quickly.

Simplicity: Although our culture appears to value a lot of
information. You need to have a very clear and simple message if you
want it to be remembered. Often the hardest task in preparing a
presentation is deciding what to leave out so that your message can be

Specificity: The unconscious mind deals in specific information so you
need to choose your words with care - for example it's important to be
very careful when using negative words such as 'not' and 'don't' as
the effect may be the opposite of what you intend. You can engage the
unconscious mind by providing very specific details that make someone
feel as though the situation is real.

Stories: Telling stories is one of the most powerful forms of
communication as, used properly, they can help to overcome resistance
and skepticism. Stories can serve different purposes, ranging from
making people feel good to imagining themselves in a particular
situation. Planned use of stories can make your presentation very

Stir emotions: The unconscious mind is the domain of the emotions so
the most successful communication will appeal to emotions. You need to
make people care about something if you want them to take action.

The most effective communication will hit on all those hot buttons so
that you get the results that you want.

7 Steps to Effective Presentation Skills

Studies show that many people have more fear of public speaking than
of dying. That's huge. Whether you're giving your first presentation
or your 100th, these tips will help you give less fearful, more
powerful presentations.

Step 1
Plan, Prepare, and Practice.

The first step is to plan your verbal presentation - what you're going
to say. When giving a presentation, you should always talk about
something you know - something in which you are an expert. Credibility
is important to get people to listen to you.

If you're stuck on planning a talk, use this formula: Tell them what
you're going to tell them. Tell them. Tell them what you told them.

Once your presentation is complete - practice, practice, practice.
Know your talk so well you could give it in your sleep. But so you
won't put your audience to sleep, follow these next tips.

Step 2
Focus on your visual presentation.

The visual aspect of your presentation is the most important in
getting your message across. It includes your body language, gestures,
facial expression, eye contact, appearance, and visuals such as
PowerPoint - all of what the audience sees.

The people in your audience will form their first impressions of you
when you walk into the room. So dress for success and appear confident
and friendly, even if your knees are knocking.

Good posture and natural gestures are important. Your most important
facial expression is your smile. Smile and they won't notice if you're
nervous. The most important visual is eye contact. Look at each person
during your talk.

Use visuals whenever possible. Some basic rules for PowerPoint are
that your slides should always be in color (no exceptions) and use
graphics. If you're talking about going green, for example, show
video, photographs, or clip art that represent what you're saying in
each slide. Don't hesitate to be humorous if it feels right for you.

Step 3
Use variety in your vocal presentation.

The second most important aspect is your vocal presentation - how you
use your voice. It includes volume, pace, tone, inflection, and
enunciation. Speak loudly and clearly (even with a microphone), not
too fast or slow.

Vary you pace and don't forget the all-important PAUSE. Don't be
afraid of silence and say "uh." Pause before and after you make a
point; it makes your listeners' ears perk up. If you go along in a
monotone, don't be surprised if they go to sleep. Pausing can make you
sound conversational. Say, "There's one thing that (short pause) can
make recycling more effective." That slight hesitation makes it seem
as if you're just thinking of what you're going to say next, as you
would in a conversation.

Use a downward inflection at the end of a sentence. Don't say, "More
and more people are composting than ever before?" You're telling them,
not asking them. This is a bad habit a lot of people have, even
experienced speakers. Don't be guilty of doing this or you'll sound
wishy-washy and unsure of yourself. A fatal flaw for speakers.

Step 4
Use notes, but don't read or memorize.

When I prepare a talk, I think of what I want to say and say it aloud.
Then I write a phrase or some key words that will remind me of what I
want to say. I'll type a twenty-minute talk on one or two sheets of
paper with just notes that guide me to the next point.

There are a couple of exceptions to this rule. Since your introduction
and closing are most important, it's okay to memorize them so you can
begin and end with confidence and effective eye contact. Also, if
you're quoting someone, it's all right to write the quote in full and
read some (not all) of it.

If you're going to allow for questions and answers, do them before
closing your talk. You want to leave them with your strongest point
and call to action. I like to end by saying, "I'll leave you with
these words of..." and give a powerful quote that sums up my
presentation. Don't end by saying, "thank you," as if they're doing
you a favor. You're doing them a favor. If you must, say instead
something like, "You've been a great audience and I've really enjoyed
being here."

Step 5
Tell stories.

Tom Peters said, "The best leaders...almost without exception and at
every level...are master users of stories and symbols." And, of course
the best leaders are the best speakers.

Tell them the story of how you got your children to turn off lights,
save water, and recycle. Your stories should be personal and related
to a point you're making. Have you ever gotten teary-eyed or a lump in
your throat when a speaker told you how they escaped death in a car
accident? Make 'em laugh; make 'em cry. They'll relate to and remember
you for it. And stories just make your presentation a lot more
personal and interesting.

Step 6
Control your fear of public speaking.

Notice I didn't say eliminate it, although you may reach that point
with enough experience. A little nervousness is a good thing - it
keeps you on your toes and gives you energy. Just don't let it show.
Steve Bull advises, "Nerves and butterflies are fine - they're a
physical sign that you're mentally ready and eager. You have to get
the butterflies to fly in formation, that's the trick."

There are only two reasons I can think of to be nervous or fearful of
giving a presentation. One, you're putting too much importance on what
people think of you (ego). Think of what you can do for them instead;
that's what you're there for. And know that audiences are on your
side. They want you to do a good job; they're not sitting there
judging you unless you're awful. Your presentation is for them - not

The other reason - a legitimate one - to be nervous is if you're
unprepared. There's no excuse for this. People don't mind if you make
mistakes or lose your place, but they do mind if you bore them or show
a lack of concern for them by not being prepared.

Step 7
Get speech coaching.

Hopefully, these steps have given you some ideas on improving your
presentation skills. The best way to make huge improvements is to hire
a professional coach. Every experienced, dynamic speaker has had one.
Your coach will support you and diplomatically point out ineffective
things you're doing that you may be unaware of on your own.

Here's to your success as a personable, professional, powerful presenter!

dinsdag 2 november 2010

Presentation Skills: your Secret Career Weapon

by Helen Wilkie

If there's one skill set that can help you position yourself for career success, it's presentation skills. That's because in today's highly competitive workplace, it's not enough just to be competent - you need to be seen to be competent. And the best way to do that is to present as often as you reasonably can to as many appropriate audiences as possible. To do this successfully, of course, your presentation skills must be at least better than average.

Have you ever noticed that when some people speak up at a meeting, or in another group conversation setting, everyone listens - while others make almost no impact? Think of someone in your organization who always commands attention, whose views are always respected. Now isn't it true that that person possesses good presentation skills?

Now think of someone whose ideas tend to be ignored, who almost seems not to have spoken at all. I'm willing to bet that person's presentation skills are at the opposite end of the competency level - am I right?

I once knew an engineer with a brilliant mind. He had been with his company for many years, and had played an important part in designing innovative new products. But he never progressed into the senior management ranks to which he aspired, and I'm convinced that was largely because he regularly put people to sleep making his presentations! The powers that be never really understood how brilliant he was, because their eyes glazed over before he was halfway through his story. What a shame - what a waste.

Now here's the big question. Where do your presentation skills fall on the scale of excellent to poor? Do you speak up with confidence at meetings? When you're asked for your opinion, can you give it without mumbling and stumbling your way through it? Do people pay attention when you speak?

In my presentation skills workshops, I always tell people this big secret: if you present well, people think you do everything well! If that's true (and my experience tells me it is), then think what improving your presentation skills can do for your career!

If you've come up with an idea for process improvement, for example, try to arrange to be the person who presents it to the appropriate individuals. Make sure you prepare your message well, practice your presentation until you could do it if you were suddenly awakened at 3 a.m. Present your ideas competently and confidently. The interesting thing is that they won't just notice you did a great presentation, they'll see how valuable an employee you are to have come up with such a brilliant idea!

If you want to improve your job performance and your career prospects at the same time, work on your presentation skills.