maandag 15 november 2010

5 Keys to Improving Your Presentation Skills With Unconscious Communication

If you want to improve your presentation skills in any situation, you
need to discover the power of unconscious communication.

Most people fail to get their message across - whether it is
one-to-one or with an audience of thousands - because they focus on
the 'conscious' aspects of communication and pack in too much
information and detail.

The truth is almost all successful communication happens at an
unconscious level. This means people are forming opinions about what
you say without really knowing the reason why.

So if you know how to make your communication work unconsciously, you
have more chance of getting your message across effectively.

Here are five ways in which you can improve your communication by
influencing the unconscious mind.

Speed: People usually make up their minds about something
unconsciously within 2 - 6 seconds. The book Blink by Michael Gerber
covers this in great detail. So you only have a few brief moments in
which to make the right impression. With the right communication
skills, you can help them come to the right conclusion quickly.

Simplicity: Although our culture appears to value a lot of
information. You need to have a very clear and simple message if you
want it to be remembered. Often the hardest task in preparing a
presentation is deciding what to leave out so that your message can be

Specificity: The unconscious mind deals in specific information so you
need to choose your words with care - for example it's important to be
very careful when using negative words such as 'not' and 'don't' as
the effect may be the opposite of what you intend. You can engage the
unconscious mind by providing very specific details that make someone
feel as though the situation is real.

Stories: Telling stories is one of the most powerful forms of
communication as, used properly, they can help to overcome resistance
and skepticism. Stories can serve different purposes, ranging from
making people feel good to imagining themselves in a particular
situation. Planned use of stories can make your presentation very

Stir emotions: The unconscious mind is the domain of the emotions so
the most successful communication will appeal to emotions. You need to
make people care about something if you want them to take action.

The most effective communication will hit on all those hot buttons so
that you get the results that you want.

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